

As an experienced actor, Lauren B. Martin knows the best comic performances comes from being unafraid and ego-free, willing to wherever the joke requires–and timing it just so. From clever wordplay to slapstick physicality, Lauren’s gifts for comedy complement her inherent love of laughter in two of her latest projects, the feature film YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL and the streaming series REALITY SETS IN.

Reality Sets In

Life can be funniest when you’re at the end of your rope, and that’s where Lauren’s character Laney, a “faded” actress looking (and looking, and looking) for her fabled second act finds herself when she considers reality TV as a means to reintroduce herself to the public. In a performance ranging from self-effacing to outright bawdy, Lauren shows off her comic chops to great effect. 

You Are Not Special

The feature YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL is the perfect showcase for Lauren’s skills as an experienced performer,  gifted comic, and valuable, giving player within an overall comedy ensemble. Lauren carries the film with a confident, layered performance that shows she’s not afraid to go wherever the joke requires, imbuing the character with the authenticity of her own joy and laughter–making the film funny and unforgettable in the process.